Positive Behavior Support
Dudley has adopted a school-wide set of rules to serve as a common means of communications across the school. These rules and their accompanying behavior expectations are taught to all students. School-wide rules (be safe, respectful, responsible) are then transferred to the classroom where each grade level develops consistent expectations in a collaborative fashion. Block teachers, PE, resource, the nurse and counselor also adapt the school-wide rules for their classrooms as well.
Teaching Expectations
Teachers explain the reason, specify required behavior, practice behaviors, monitor performance, and provide feedback. Students role play what the behavior looks like and doesn’t look.
Establishing Classroom Routines
Students are taught how to enter the classroom, access materials, turn in homework, obtain assistance, organize assignments, move about the room, and transition between activities.
Teaching Social Skills
The counselor teaches many social skills in her classes. However, the teacher finds teachable moments to help students improve their social skills. Social competence is predictive of long term success in schools and is as important as anything that takes place in the classroom. Teachers model, allow students to role play, give feedback, and monitor transfer of skills to real life situations.
Encouraging Expected Behavior
Appropriate behavior is reinforced by providing high levels of praise, access to desirable activities, and recognition. Positive consequences are delivered at a high rate, consistently, and immediately. Reinforcers are varied and incorporate delayed and longer term reinforcers as well. Our goal is to develop the student’s intrinsic sense of doing the right thing with a minimal reliance on material reinforcers.
Discouraging Expected Behavior
Inappropriate behavior is discouraged by providing clear examples with specific consequences, implementing procedures consistently, and providing proactive strategies for students with chronic problem behaviors. Consequences are delivered consistently and maintain the student’s dignity.
Managing Instruction
Managing instruction is perhaps the single most important variable in classroom management. Teachers design their classroom space efficiently, maintain a neat and orderly classroom, assess students’ skill level, utilize appropriate curriculum and effective delivery strategies, and vary instruction.
Positive Behavior Support generally works for 75-80% of all students. For at-risk or high-risk students, additional interventions are put in place. Teachers are encouraged to take the initiative to consult with their peers, the counselor, and administration to get the most out of their students. Communication with parents is essential.